Chris Gray delivers his presentation at the ASPGI (Asosiasi Superintendent Padang Golf Indonesia) Turf Management Seminar.
Bogor, Indonesia: More than 100 golf course managers, course superintendents, club managers, greenkeepers and mechanics attended the ASPGI (Asosiasi Superintendent Padang Golf Indonesia) Turf Management Seminar and Field Day at Bogor’s Palm Hill Golf Club.
It was the fifth time the event was staged in collaboration with the Asian Golf Industry Federation (AGIF).
Juhana Arif, the ASPGI President and Golf Course Superintendent at Emeralda Golf Club, said: “The Asosiasi Superintendent Padang Golf Indonesia is committed to offering educational opportunities for our members around the country.
“With the rapid developments in golf course maintenance, it is vital for superintendents in Indonesia to continue to upgrade their knowledge and skills.
“Therefore, our association was pleased once more to work together with the AGIF to showcase speakers from home and abroad, who are experienced practitioners in their respective fields in golf course maintenance.”
International speakers were Chris Gray, Director of Golf Course Maintenance at the Singapore Island Country Club, and Roger Goettsche, Superintendent at Hainan Island’s Shanqin Bay Golf Club in China.
Gray focused on ‘Forecasting turfgrass disease occurrence’ and ‘Preventative fungicide programme targeting key diseases’ while ‘Cultural practices to control turf diseases’ and ‘Renovation: Identifying priorities with limited budgets’ were the topics of Goettsche’s presentations.
Leading off the Indonesian speakers was Dr Rahayu who discussed ‘Characteristic Zoysia and Seashore paspalum native for Indonesia’s golf courses and sports fields’.
The topic of Ir. Iskandar’s presentation was ‘Soil analysis and problem solving’, while Agus Setyono highlighted ‘Tournament preparation and Rules of Golf’ and Witurseno explained ‘How to produce high performance greens with simple treatment’.
Eric Lynge, the AGIF’s Chief Executive Officer, said: “We were delighted to return to Indonesia and thank the ASPGI for their support.
“We are also grateful to the management and staff at Palm Hill Golf Club for being such gracious hosts and allowing us to make use of their outstanding facilities.”
During the seminar, Lynge made a presentation on the AGIF’s Certificate in Greenkeeping (CIG), the first of its kind in Asia.
Aimed at supporting education among golf course superintendents and improving conditioning of golf courses, the initiative is backed by The R&A, the game’s ruling golf organisation and is scheduled to be launched over the next three years across several markets in Asia.
Richard Walne, the AGIF’s President, said: “The objective is to be able to offer an accessible, affordable and internationally recognised certification for superintendents. The Certificate will provide a much-needed education path for turfgrass professionals in Asia, which already exists in North America, the United Kingdom and Europe and Australia and New Zealand.”
Steve Isaac, Director – Sustainability at The R&A, said: “The R&A has agreed to support the AGIF Certificate in Greenkeeping as part of our greenkeeper education programme. This is a positive development for the golf industry in Asia and we are excited at being involved with this initiative.”
Education Partners in the programme are Jacobsen, Jebsen & Jessen, John Deere, Syngenta and Toro, all Executive Members of the AGIF, a not-for-profit organisation boasting more than 100 member companies from all areas of the golfing industry.
While turfgrass issues were the focus of attention on day one at Palm Hill, the following morning’s field day provided companies with the opportunity to showcase their latest golf course maintenance products.
Emphasising the AGIF’s aim to support the entire industry, the field day was open to members and non-members of the Federation.
The ASPGI Turf Management Seminar was the fourth event in the AGIF series of Turfgrass Management Seminars and Field Days in 2018.
March saw the staging of the AGIF Turfgrass Management Exposition in Pattaya, Thailand.
The Philippine Golf Course Management Conference took place at The Orchard Golf and Country Club at the start of May and was followed by the Vietnam Turfgrass Management Seminar at the Song Be Golf Resort.
Following on from Indonesia, at least two further events are planned for 2018.
The article "Success of Indonesian Turf Management Seminar" was originally published on